She applied the "Page 99 Test" to Sob Story and reports:
What would you do if you found that your shy, new flatmate Amy was writing to a male prisoner? Dana, a confident young university student discovers this on page 99. She’s amused and phones her fiancĂ©e, a trainee hospital doctor, with the details. He’s immediately alarmed - and, by the following page, we discover why.Read more about Sob Story at Carol Anne Davis's website.
It transpires that he’s recently treated a girl who lost six pints of blood after being stabbed by a man that she’d never met. He was her new flatmate’s misogynistic boyfriend who’d just been released from jail...
Page 99 is potentially vital to the plot in that, for the first time, realists become aware of Amy’s actions, can warn her about her pen pal. So far, she’s been seduced by Jeff’s honeyed letters but now other, more worldly people can point out that he’s an unknown quantity. They ask why he’s serving such a long sentence for a supposedly minor escapade. They ask when he’s getting out.
Will Amy distance herself from this sexually-motivated killer who plans to kill again? Or will she meet the same fate as his previous girlfriends?
--Marshal Zeringue