He applied the “Page 99 Test” to the new book and reported the following:
My book flunks the p. 99 test. All readers will get by dipping into the book on that page is a discussion of the shallowness of TV. This is not breaking news. What is, then? My book argues that we are ignoring a 10 alarm fire: the gross of ignorance of millions of Americans about politics, best summed up by the fact that a majority believed on the eve of the Iraq War that Saddam was behind 9-11. (50 % continued to believe this even after the 9-11 Commission definitively reported that he was not.) How can you have a healthy democracy when a majority are so ill-informed about the central issue of our time?Watch a video and read more about the book and author at the Just How Stupid Are We? blog.
--Marshal Zeringue