She applied the “Page 99 Test” to her new book, Transcendent Parenting: Raising Children in the Digital Age, and reported the following:
Page 99 provides an interesting glimpse into my book because it features interview quotes from two of my respondents who share the mixed feelings they have about their use of technology in parenting. While both quotes reflect these parents’ recognition that they can use mobile communication to keep an eye on their children, this sense of assurance is also at odds with their resentment towards such surveillance and the stress it induces in them.Visit Sun Sun Lim's website.
Someone turning to page 99 may well be intrigued by who these quotes are from, and what their lives are like. Questions may be piqued such as: Who are these people speaking about their children? How old are their kids? What are these technologies they refer to? Why are they using such technology to perform their parenting duties? Why do they feel the need to care for their children in this way? Why do they sound ambivalent about these functionalities?
My book focuses on digitally-connected families whose use of technology has lubricated their lives but also intensified the parenting burden and complicated the parent-child relationship. Hence page 99 offers a tantalising peek into my concept of Transcendent Parenting, where parents transcend the physical distance between them and their kids, they need to transcend every online and offline environment their children transit through, and they must also transcend ‘timeless time’ and parent relentlessly.
--Marshal Zeringue